Jobs jobs and more jobs
Jobs jobs and more jobs
He came down from his lofty tower
And told the poor
In their dark dark coal mines
That he would deliver them
Jobs jobs and more jobs
The poor bought it
They didn’t have any other option
So he gave them hope of help
The only chance they had
Jobs jobs and more jobs
He told the metal workers
He told the factory workers
He told the people
In vanishing towns across the country
Jobs jobs and more jobs
He would bring back jobs
He would make America Great
He was the one that would
Make it all happen
Jobs jobs and more jobs
He said he would
Kick out all those who steal
The jobs that make America Great
He would make it all happen
Jobs jobs and more jobs
The man from his lofty tower
The man that went bankrupt
Killing jobs after jobs
Yet he would make America Great
Jobs jobs and more jobs
And did he do it
Did he make America Great?
Did he bring back the jobs?
That he said he would
Jobs jobs and more jobs
The man from the lofty tower
Descending from his tower of power
And blessing the poor below
With his touch of gold
Jobs jobs and more jobs
How could he
He needed all the gold
He could get his hands on
To gold plate his lofty tower
Jobs jobs and more jobs
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